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How to Turn Google Ads with No Impressions into High-Performing PPC Campaigns

There are few things more frustrating in the PPC world than spending hours or even days building out a new Google Ads campaign, only to get no (or very few) impressions on your ads. While Google ads with no impressions can feel discouraging, they don’t always signal a problem — and when they do, a simple fix often boosts impressions and sends campaigns off to the races.
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How to Lower CPC on Google Ads: 3 Key Strategies Based on Competitor Analysis

If you’re running PPC advertising on Google Ads (Google Adwords), lowering your cost-per-click (CPC) is likely to be a constant ambition. Naturally, efficient campaigns generate a better ROI, and this can maximize your profits or enable you to scale advertising efforts to new heights. So, rather than setting-and-forgetting your Google Ad campaigns, it’s vital to tweak your setup to achieve lower CPCs.
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3 Simple Ways to Squeeze More Profit Out of Google Ads eCommerce Campaigns

Lots of people are spending money on Google and Facebook ads, but not everyone knows how to squeeze the maximum profit out of their campaigns. Let me give you an example. I started working with a small eCommerce company a couple months ago that advertises with Facebook and Google ads. They were managing their campaigns themselves but then hired me to see if I could help them get a better return.
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How an Advertiser Lost £800,000 by Not Using Custom PPC Landing Pages

One of the biggest mistakes advertisers make is not creating custom landing pages for their paid search campaigns, especially when they're aiming to generate more leads. The sad truth about this is that, if you're still sending people to your homepage, you're losing out on conversions, and as a result you're paying more per lead than you need to pay.
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