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PPC Prospecting Software: How to Find PPC Prospects and Turn Them Into Clients

As a PPC agency or consultant, you may be looking for ways to boost client acquisition and improve your prospecting strategy. Lots of articles out there promise secret tips and tricks for getting new PPC clients. They might tell you to encourage referrals, personalize proposals, or promote case studies. However, few will offer a detailed method for using prospecting software to find and secure new PPC clients.
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A Look at Uber’s Landing Page Testing from 2015

Here at iSpionage, we've built some unique features that make it easy for companies and advertisers to keep a close eye on their competition. One of those features is landing page surveillance technology that monitors competitor landing pages and emails and saves screenshots whenever changes are made. It's a great way to know what your competition is up to and to get landing page ideas for your own campaigns. To give you an idea of what this looks like, we're sharing a sampling of landing page changes Uber's made so far in 2015 that we discovered with our landing page surveillance technology. It's not a complete list of every single change they made or tested, but it will give you an idea about what headlines and styles they've experimented with.
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Are You Bidding on Too Many AdWords Keywords?

I recently read an article by Larry Kim on Search Engine Watch titled "Attention Keyword Hoarders: You Need to Delete 98% of Your AdWords Keywords - Here's Why." He begins by talking about an AdWords account that's bidding on 273,000 keywords but only gets impressions on 3372 of them (1.2%).
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