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How to Turn Google Ads with No Impressions into High-Performing PPC Campaigns

There are few things more frustrating in the PPC world than spending hours or even days building out a new Google Ads campaign, only to get no (or very few) impressions on your ads. While Google ads with no impressions can feel discouraging, they don’t always signal a problem — and when they do, a simple fix often boosts impressions and sends campaigns off to the races.
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The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: PPC Lessons Learned from Black Friday/Cyber Monday

  Google Adwords sits on the middle to the bottom of the funnel for most marketing campaigns. Normally, prospects go to the Google search bar and type in a search term because they have a problem they want to solve. Therefore, if your product solves that problem, you’ll have a good chance of converting the traffic. It also means that the most converting keywords usually connect to a finite set of terms since there are only so many people searching for your product or service each month. But there are a few occasions where people are willing to hand their credit card over to you even though their search terms are not directly related to your product. Black Friday and Cyber Monday are two of those times.
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