Whether you’re a small business owner or an internet marketing guru, understanding the competitive landscape will enable you to compete more intelligently. Knowing what your competitors are doing, how they are positioned in the market, and how they are promoting their business online allows you to uniquely position your company/product/service. Investigate before you act. The same rules apply as you consider executing a pay-per-click campaign. You must monitor and analyze the competitive space before you execute a PPC campaign.
Utilizing the iSpionage key word monitoring tool, you are able to:
- Benchmark your competition against other advertisers in your niche
- Discover the lost opportunity in your PPC campaign
- Uncover your competitor’s dominant key word, ad copy, and landing page combination
- Track your competition
What does this mean for your PPC campaign?
By monitoring top performing keywords, you can compare your PPC campaign to other advertisers’ campaigns. You can improve your ad copy, quality score, and landing page so that you remain one step ahead of the competition. Being able to analyze advertiser’s campaigns arms you with the data to intelligently adapt your campaign. These improvements will enhance click through rate, quality score, and drive additional traffic to your website. Email alert functionality will send updates to you when your competitors ad new keyword or ad copy to their campaign.
Arm yourself with the data you need to effectively create and execute your PPC campaign. If actionable intelligence to improve your AdWord or PPC campaign is what you are looking for, iSpionage invites you to sign-up to see what you can to today!
Guest Blogger

Julie Cropp Gareleck
Julie is a senior business strategist at Junction Creative Solutions who is building a consultancy that provides consistent solutions that assist clients. Throughout her career, she has consulted with hundreds of pre-seed, early stage, and established companies with successful results across business, brand, and marketing.